Trojena is a groundbreaking year-round destination where ambition and innovation merge to achieve the extraordinary. Join us on a captivating journey as we uncover the stories behind the creation of this remarkable region.
Timeless heritage & inspiring culture
To fully know a place, it is important to understand its past. As Trojena continues its ambitious development, find out how the mountain heritage and culture is being protected and preserved – and how its history of more than 10,000 years is helping to shape its exciting future. -
New standards in safety
The unique setting of Trojena requires a forward-thinking approach to construction, leveraging cutting-edge techniques and technologies. But it is people who are central to its success. Learn how we are developing a culture of care for its workers and setting new standards in health and safety. -
Snowmaking Sustainability
Technology, sustainability and imagination have come together to bring skiing to the mountains of Saudi Arabia. Discover how our renewable snow production systems will draw snow sport enthusiasts to the slopes, but always with sustainability in mind.