نيوم - التحدث من أجل المستقبل


At NEOM, we want to create a place that is exceptional. In order to achieve this bold vision, we also need to create a great place to work. We need your support to create a culture of integrity, where anyone at NEOM feels confident in raising any concern if they feel something isn’t right. If you know of, or suspect, any behavior that goes against this Code of Conduct, our Values, our policies, or applicable laws and regulations, we need you to ‘Speak up.’ Working together, we can build a place that everyone is proud to be a part of.

Our commitments


  • Creating an open culture where all employees feel comfortable reporting unacceptable behaviors
  • Not tolerating retaliation against anyone who reports a concern in good faith (if a report is made in good faith, it means the report is sincere and made in the best interests of NEOM, rather than for personal gain)
  • Raising awareness of the various ways NEOM representatives can report a concern

Our expectations


  • Speak up! And tell us as soon as possible if you have any concerns about potential breaches of applicable laws and regulations, this Code of Conduct, our policies, or NEOM’s Values
  • Report any retaliation against anyone who raises a concern using our Speak Up channel
  • As an organization, we are committed to transparency. If you raise a concern as part of the Speak Up process, you will receive a guidance note setting out what to expect during and following any investigation resulting from having raised your concern. For reference, this guidance, known as ‘What to Expect During a Speak Up Matter’, can be found on the Speak Up channel.

In most circumstances, the right thing to do is to talk to your manager. However, if you don’t feel able to do this, you can also contact the Compliance, Legal or People departments.
We are committed, as part of our Speak Up program, to protect the confidentiality of anyone raising a concern. Our Speak Up channel will offer you the option to make a report anonymously. However, it’s important to remember that anonymous reporting is only an option. If you feel comfortable providing your name, we can take action faster and more effectively.

As long as your report is made in good faith, we will protect you from any form of retaliation – even if your concern turns out to be unfounded.