Promoting Safety

NEOM's Safety Protocols


At NEOM, we are building a place and creating an environment where humanity can thrive. At a minimum, therefore, we want to preserve the safety of every human being who chooses to live or work with us. We recognize that ours is an industry with big ambitions and significant time pressures to achieve them. However, we also aim to ensure that all of our ambitions are achieved in the safest possible way.

Our commitments


  • Adhering, at a minimum, to all health and safety laws, standards, and regulations that apply to us and go beyond the basic requirements by using world-class technologies to maintain a safe environment
  • Working to reduce any risks of injury or ill health resulting from our activities through the effective implementation of our occupational health and safety management system
  • Fostering a culture of openness and transparency, in which those who live and work with us feel able to report health and safety issues or concerns immediately, without fear of blame or retaliation
  • Making safety part of our DNA, by ensuring that it is a priority, not just for our dedicated safety teams, but for all of the business functions contributing to our goals
  • Providing safety training, utilizing virtual reality, augmented reality, and simulator methods where possible, to ensure all those living and working at NEOM are equipped to uphold our safety standards
  • Actively consulting with relevant stakeholders, such as workers and contractors, to understand their safety concerns and engage them in our safety programs
  • Providing access to a Worker Help Line and the EnableOn mobile application for the reporting of hazards, risks, concerns (or just any other ideas about how we can improve our safety standards further)
  • Measuring our safety performance continuously, so that we can be sure we are always improving
  • Making safety part of the entire life cycle of our assets including the development, procurement, operation and maintenance, rehabilitation, and decommissioning phases
  • Staying prepared (by continuously improving our emergency response plans)
  • Responding appropriately to all accidents, near-misses, and unsafe working conditions, by investigating them thoroughly and putting in place action plans to prevent them from happening again

Our expectations


  • Help us to uphold a safe working environment by making sure you understand and follow our safety commitments, policies, and procedures
  • Work safely and in a way that does not put yourselves or your co-workers at risk, for example by properly using all necessary personal protective equipment and devices
  • Help us to foster a culture of accident prevention within your team, by encouraging open reporting of all accidents, near-misses, and unsafe conditions – as well as recognizing positive safety practices among your colleagues, especially if you are in a leadership position
  • Report any safety risks, accidents, or questions as soon as possible to your designated Safety Officer, your supervisor, the Worker Help Line or the EnableOn mobile application

Further Information


However, you can also contact NEOM Safety if you want a raise a concern or report anything.