NEOM Environment


NEOM is being designed with the future of the Earth in mind.

As we reach a critical moment in humanity’s mission to save the planet, NEOM has a unique opportunity to redesign how we think about our ability to achieve this goal. We need to put this responsibility toward the planet at the forefront of our daily decision-making and working lives. Our environmental targets are ambitious. This means that we will need your support and engagement in order to help us achieve them.

Our commitments


  • Recognizing and preserving the right to a safe, clean, healthy, and sustainable environment for all those living and working with us
  • Working to reduce our emissions, achieving carbon neutrality by 2030, and becoming climate positive thereafter, by removing from the atmosphere more emissions than we produce
  • Creating the world’s first large-scale 100% renewable energy system, to serve the energy needs of NEOM’s residents and industries using entirely renewable resources
  • Leading globally in conservation, designating 95% of our marine and land territory as protected areas
  • Striving for net positive biodiversity, by rewilding our local habitats with native plants and animals
  • Striving to establish a circular water supply to serve NEOM’s communities and industries, with zero liquid discharge into our marine environment
  • Retaining the value of our resources by establishing a ‘circular economy’ based on reusing key materials and eliminating waste
  • Aiming to ensure that we do not exceed the equivalent of 1 Earth per capita* in the environmental footprint of our residents
  • Creating world-class outreach programs to inspire responsible consumption, reaching 100% of our population per year by 2030
  • Embedding sustainability into every facet of our development, from concept through to delivery, by aiming to ensure that 100% of developments are built to NEOM’s standards of sustainable design
  • Ensuring our partners understand these commitments and share our goals ‘Earth per capita’ is used to define an individual’s environmental footprint. It indicates the number of Planet Earths it would take to support the impact of humanity as a whole if everyone lived like that individual.


Our Expectations


  • First, do no harm. Take pride in our environmental commitments and avoid any personal actions or business decisions that could impact negatively on the planet
  • Ensure you understand, align with, and act as champions for our environmental commitments in your daily life as an employee and citizen of NEOM – it’s the only way that we will be able to make them a reality
  • Remember that one of our Values is to ‘Care’ for the environment, leave it in a better place for future generations, and value all forms of life
  • Help us to protect our environmental commitments, by speaking up if you notice any behaviors or business decisions that go against them
  • Help us to identify any changes in our working procedures that could serve to make a more positive impact on the environment
  • Regularly communicate our environmental commitments and expectations to third parties, to help ensure that our partners understand and share our goals