Human Rights

NEOM Human Rights


Put simply, human rights are the basic freedoms that allow every human being to prosper and thrive. So, at NEOM, we believe in the importance of respecting human rights, as a fundamental aspect of our mission to become an ‘accelerator of human progress.’

Our commitments


  • Adhering, at a minimum, to all applicable local and international human rights laws and regulations (and go beyond these basic requirements by meeting best practice standards wherever we can)
  • Promoting and providing a healthy, safe, and secure working environment for all those working with us or for us, ensuring that this environment is respectful, inclusive and based on our Values, and paying particular attention to the rights of vulnerable groups, such as migrant workers
  • Making sure, at a minimum, that everyone working on our sites has a contract in line with basic international standards and receives all the benefits to which they are contractually entitled
  • Preventing human trafficking, child labor, and modern slavery from taking place in any form across our own business operations and supply chains
  • Respecting the rights of individuals whose data we hold in line with applicable privacy laws and regulations, such as the right to obtain copies of personal data and correct or erase personal data (see ‘Data privacy’ section)
  • Assessing our suppliers as needed for compliance with our labor protection requirements and working with our suppliers, where issues are identified, to help them improve
  • Monitoring our activities continuously for any new or developing human rights risks we need to be aware of, making sure we respond appropriately to any relevant risks identified

Our Expectations


  • Live our Values and ensure that you treat everybody working with us with dignity, respect, and fairness in your daily working life
  • Understand our commitments to a healthy, safe, respectful, and inclusive working environment, and help us to address any activities or business decisions that go against them, by contacting your line manager, a member of the Compliance Department, or our Speak Up channel with any concerns that you may have
  • Help us to ensure our partners share our commitments, by assessing and monitoring them (as well as simply talking to them about our standards), if you are working in a related role


HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIO: I work on one of our construction sites. We recently engaged a third-party construction company to provide a large number of additional laborers from abroad. We’re working against some tight deadlines here and could really use the extra help. Their workers have been on site for a few days now and the results are great – things are moving along so much faster than before! My only concern is that they seem to work constantly. I’ve never seen them take any breaks, not even during the hottest part of the day. They have their own supervisor, but he tells me that’s normal where they come from, and I shouldn’t worry about it. I figure he knows better and, at the end of the day, we’re talking about third parties here, not NEOM employees. So, I’ll put it out of my mind for now and look forward to finishing the project. I mean, it’s none of my business, right?

Wrong. We are committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for all those working on our sites. This includes third-party contractors. Where migrant workers are concerned, we need to pay particular attention to their working conditions, as they could be more vulnerable than others to mistreatment. If you feel that our commitments to a healthy and safe working environment are not being upheld by our partners, you need to let us know. You can do so by contacting your line manager, a member of the Compliance Department, or our Speak Up channel. If your job involves working alongside third parties regularly, you can also help us to ensure these partners share our human rights commitments, by communicating our standards regularly and helping them to improve.

Further Information


You can also contact the Compliance Department with any questions regarding our approach to human rights.